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The last 10-12 months has been a season of loss. It looks different for each of us but we have all experienced it in some form or fashion. It might be financial or job related or it could be the connection that you had to either of those things. Some have lost a loved one due to Covid or someone that was close to you. Others have lost friendships, a sense of community or a feeling of purpose or drive.

Yes, there have been moments of light over the last few months but for most we are living in a fog. Sometimes it is light and wispy and we are just not clear on the future and at other times it is so thick and dense as we feel we have completely lost our way.

In leading such a large community of people I have heard stories across the spectrum. There is that group of people that are thriving in this new environment but in large part the majority are grieving what once was. I have heard so many tales of dreams shattered and hope dim. Depending on what loss you are grappling with it can affect every part of our being- emotional, physical, mental and so much more. That loss we experience seems to overshadow or cloud every part of who we are.

Whenever there is loss there is a blossom or a bloom of something new or ahead.

We have also all experienced more time to pick up a hobby, more time to Zoom with a family or friend out of state, new ways of doing business by leveraging technology and like for me, time for a new puppy! I look at my precious Huckleberry (my 6 month old goldador) and am reminded of how if I had not experienced other losses I would not have gained his little life in mine. There are those “silver linings” you and I can attribute to this time but it does not belittle the loss.

We are each on a different path during this time and we should be aware and embrace that journey. Don’t live in the loss or grief but take your time- only you know when it is time to take that next leap forward. Until then, take tiny baby steps and try to take in the good around you. I know my loss hurts but it is shaping the person I will be as I walk ahead. Loss is real- where will it take you?

Much Love,


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